
Student Admission Information

1. Private Education Act
From 21 December 2009, all Private Education Institutions (PEIs) must register with SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) to operate in or from Singapore. The new regulation establishment, set out under the Private Education Act and its subsidiary legislation, comprises the mandatory Enhanced Registration Framework (ERF) and the voluntary EduTrust Certificate Scheme.

For more information on the Private Education Act and the role of PEIs, visit

2. PEI-Student Contract
Under the Private Education Act, it is mandatory that all students enter into a Student Contract with Singapore Institute of Materials Management (SIMM) for courses with duration longer than one month or more than 50 hours.

The Student Contract protects the interests of students through clear and transparent contractual terms and conditions governing the relationship between SIMM and individual students. The terms of the Student Contract are in line with the template provided by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG). By signing the Student Contract, the students are in effect giving their consent to the terms and conditions as stated in the Contract. SIMM will abide to all the terms and conditions stated in the Student Contract.

View a sample of the standard PEI-Student Contract.

Before signing the Student Contract, SIMM will provide an Advisory Note to all students. The students must acknowledge in writing that they have read the ‘Advisory Note to Students’ and understand the content of the Student Contract.

View a sample of the Advisory Note.

3. Cooling-off Period
There will be a cooling-off period of seven (7) working days after signing the standard PEI-Student Contract. Students have the right to cancel the contract within seven (7) working days and be entitled to a full refund of the total Course Fee and Miscellaneous Fee less application fee and any consumed fees.

For any termination of the Student Contract, the student will have to complete Schedule 3.2. Student’s Rights to Cancel Agreement of the student contract.

SIMM’s refund policy will apply after the cooling-off period.

4. Industry-Wide Course Fee Protection Insurance Scheme
The Fee Protection Scheme (FPS) serves to protect students’ fees in the event the Private Education Institution (PEI) is unable to continue operating due to insolvency, and/ or regulatory closure. The FPS also protects students if the PEI fails to pay penalties or return fees to the students arising from judgment made against it by the Singapore court. According to SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG), the PEI is required to adopt the FPS to provide full protection to all fees paid by their students.

SIMM has in place a Fee Protection Scheme (FPS) to protect the paid fees of all students. The FPS is compulsory for all courses with duration more than 50 hours.

SIMM is insured under Industry-Wide Course (IWC) Scheme in compliance with the requirement by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) under the Enhanced Registration Framework. Lonpac Insurance Bhd is the appointed FPS insurer.

View the IWC certificate

Students who wish to know more information on the Fee Protection Scheme may contact SIMM at Tel: 6592 2108

5. SIMM’s Undertaking

SIMM undertakes to inform SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) and all our students of any changes in our ownership or management within fourteen (14) days of the change.

6. Student Appeal Process

SIMM students who need to appeal to review their examination results can use this Student Appeal Form.

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© 2025 Singapore Institute of Materials Management | Tel: (65) 6653 1233
Reg No: S80SS0146D | ERF validity: 20 May 2022 to 19 May 2026
Last updated in January 2025